
Posts Tagged ‘Stan Lee’


Nearly five years ago, I wrote a series of blog posts on the X-Men for Seqart, entitled “What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace?” Today I realized that I’ve never linked to those posts from this blog! So in case you haven’t seen those posts, here they are:

If nothing else, check them out for the illustrations, taken from over fifty years of X-Men comics. And if you want more of my writing about the Merry Mutants, and superhero comics in general, be sure to check out my most recent book, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture.

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Last week, I did an interview with Florida’s Marc Bernier Show in the run-up to the Miami Book Fair, where I did a panel to promote my latest book, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture. Many thanks to both the Show and the Fair, as well as to my co-panelists, authors Jonathan French (The Grey Bastards) and Mike Witwer (Dungeons and Dragons Art and Arcana: A Visual History)—I had a great time!

The interview is online; you can check it out here. I talked about how and why geeks have gone mainstream, and why the geek renaissance won’t be ending anytime soon. I also offered some thoughts on Stan Lee’s passing.

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Stan the Multiple Man

I’ve been watching all the Marvel superhero movies—The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers, Thor—and I got to thinking. Stan Lee shows up in all of them, playing different characters each time. So who might he be in the Marvel Universe?

He must be Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man.

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