

Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies, with art by Andrew DeGraff and essays by myself, has been translated into Spanish! Specifically, it’s been translated by Ton Gras and Sergi Ramírez, and I can’t wait to sit down with their work!

About Cinemaps:

Acclaimed artist Andrew DeGraff has created beautiful hand-painted maps of all your favorite films, from King Kong and North by Northwest to The Princess Bride, Fargo, Pulp Fiction, even The Breakfast Club—with the routes of major characters charted in meticulous cartographic detail. Follow Marty McFly through the Hill Valley of 1985, 1955, and 1985 once again as he races Back to the Future. Trail Jack Torrance as he navigates the corridors of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining. And join Indiana Jones on a globe-spanning journey from Nepal to Cairo to London on his quest for the famed Lost Ark. Each map is presented in an 11-by-14-inch format, with key details enlarged for closer inspection, and is accompanied by illuminating essays by film critic A. D. Jameson, who speaks to the unique geographies of each film. This beautifully designed atlas is an essential reference for anyone who loves great art and great films.


I wanted to collect in one place all of the secondary materials related to my most recent book, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture. Below you’ll find links to the audiobook, online excerpts, interviews with me, reviews, and related articles. I’ll also update this post as new materials become available. … Enjoy!

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I’m still looking for a post-punk song that I heard about a month ago (and I’d still appreciate any suggestions you might have). While searching, though, I’ve come across a number of cool ’80s songs and bands that were new to me, and that I thought you might also like…

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About a week ago, while at Chicago’s Beer Temple, I heard a groovy song that I didn’t recognize. Since then I’ve been trying to track it down, to no avail. Please help me find it!

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Last month, I visited Google (as part of their Talks at Google series) to discuss my latest book, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture. Over the course of an hour, I spoke with Josh Pyle and other Google employees about how geeks have become a mainstream demographic, and what that entails: what geeks want, why corporations increasingly cater to geeks, and how those intersecting desires have resulted in the geek community’s current political struggles. Thanks to Google for inviting me to speak, and thanks to everyone who checks out the video below—I’d love to hear your thoughts!


I’m thrilled to announce that I just had a story accepted by Conjunctions—which is one of my favorite literary journals—for their upcoming fall issue, “A Cabinet of Curiosity.” I thought I’d mark the occasion by doing a little housekeeping, pulling together a list of all my published fiction, in case you feel like checking out my past work…

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Girly Geek Blog

Have you ever opened up a book, read the first few pages, and silently had the revelation that you had just read about your own life?

This past weekend, I read a book that did exactly that. It was magical.

Usually, when I get absorbed in a book like that, it’s some sort of fantastical adventure where the protagonist has a personality or worldview similar to my own. This time, though, I went a little out of my comfort zone with a social sciences book called I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture by A. D. Jameson.

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cover with headphones

I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks, so I’m thrilled to announce that there is now an audiobook version of my latest book, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture! I myself read the introduction, and the rest of the book was read by actor Holter Graham. You can listen to samples here and here, and you can purchase the whole recording here, as well as here.


Chicago Review of Books

Named after Margaret Anderson’s literary magazine founded in Chicago in 1914, The Little Interview asks Chicago poets and writers about their reading, writing, and relationship with Chicago.

A. D. Jameson is a lifelong geek and a PhD candidate in the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois in Chicago. In I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture, he charts the rise of science fiction, fantasy, and superhero franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel, and Lord of the Rings, from their humble beginnings to their current hold on the box office.


How did you wind up in Chicago?

I was living in Bangkok (long story) and looking to return to the US. A lot of my friends from Illinois State University, where I did my Master’s degree, were by then living in Chicago, and they convinced me to come…

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Salon talks to A.D. Jameson about geek culture, “Star Wars” and his book “I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing”

Source: “Star Wars” didn’t kill American cinema. Is it New Hollywood’s greatest achievement?